Friday, August 18, 2006

Practicing Handball in bed

I never thought about it before, today I discovered that I can actualy touch things that I can see and daddy shot a video that can prove it!

It was a lot of fun and all day long I was doing just that...

Later during the day daddy showed me a video called Baby Mozart, it was realy nice, daddy held me in his arms and we watched together, mommy and daddy explained what each thing in the movie was.

When daddy decided I had enough he put me back in my easy chair, I tried to tell him that I wanted to stay in his arms, but he understood that I want to continue seeing the movie... I had to keep on telling him until he understood... Well anyway, that's all - enjoy the footage (Daddy says to wait for the home run I hit at the end of the second video, he says it's worth it!).

Aug 18, 2006 - 6 Photos

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Now you can hear Mia talking (and pictures)

I spent the day with daddy while mommy and grandma went shopping for the new house (closets, sinks, kitchen stuff) mostly and a bit more (I got presents :-)), it was a lot of fun. I convinced daddy to take some more pictures and a video for you all to see.
Not much to report, the house seems to be coming along nicely and we hope to be living in it around sucot...

I have a new problem though, since I learned to flip over it happens a bit to much, I even turn over in my sleep, that wouldn't be a problem for you, but I still don't know how to flip back - it wakes me up and mommy or daddy have to come and help me do it. Another thing, I'm still trying to get the hang of holding my bottle by myself, sometimes it works and sometimes not - my parents say that it is a big help for them so I keep on trying...

Another small thing, in the pictures if you notice (you can try to zoom in) my shirt says "Daddy's little angle", daddy really likes it when I wear this shirt!

Aug 13, 2006 - 8 Photos

Friday, August 11, 2006

Mia Getting ready for Shabat

Daddy took some pictures of me while I was taking a rest before Shabat...


Aug 11, 2006 - 3 Photos

Monday, August 7, 2006

As promissed - a Mia Production, Starring Mia, Mia Eshel presents - Mia Eshel #1 Video

Mia Eshel stars, directs and produces the current holywood hit - "Mia Eshel Flips"

Remember this is a two month old baby - look at her go!

Sunday, August 6, 2006

This week in my life - going good!

Hi everybody,

You all want to see this blog updated more often - I know, but it is hard when I sleep most of the day and spend the rest eating and playing with my toys. Also my daddy hasn't yet fully embraced his digital camera, he doesn't take it everywhere, and instead of taking pictures he prefers to just play and talk to me - so he misses all the really good photo-ops...

Anyway some real news! I managed to turn myself over last week for the first time, and now I do it all the time! I got the idea from my daddy's lathe and the wood turning on it - I thought, why can't I? so I tried it out and it works... I can turn from my stomach to my back, and I'm currently working on turning right back (from back to stomach) I've already reached half way. Video will be forthcoming, as I said - my daddy still has things to learn :-)

On Friday (the last one Aug 6th) I went to Grandma and Grandpa to say hello, what a surprise when I met there my young(er) second cousin Yitzchak, who was born not long ago. He is really cute, and I like him. Mommy and Grandma put him my pack & play and we got to know each other (we bonded!). It was nice meeting him, it looks as though we will grow up together, since he and his parents are moving to Gimzo soon and we will be neighbors!

My new house is coming along really well, on the same Friday we went to visit it, and this time, daddy remembered to take some pictures...


mia 2+ months
Aug 6, 2006 - 26 Photos