Saturday, February 24, 2007

Spring is almost here...

Mommy had a birthday this week, we all celebrated, but I think I got more presents - which seems fair enough to me... For example I got this gorgeous hat from mommy's friend (she also made matching socks), and also tante zippy and uncle hershy bought me a swing - just for me, daddy promised to hang it up, but he didn't do it yet.
Also the deck is finally finished, and its very nice and big.

Since it was so sunny the last week, and the weather was beautiful, daddy wanted me to play with all the flowers that have been blooming around here, it was a lot of fun, and I didn't get even a little dirty, honest! maybe just a little wet, that's all...

Oma and Opa should be arriving this week, that's what everyone is telling me, I can't wait! I miss them so much! daddy took some pictures and a video, hope you enjoy...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dressing Up

Oooof! Mommy and Grandma say I'm a big girl already and it's time for me to start dressing up to get the boys interested... I hate it! I don't like when they dress me up. Daddy understands me so I don't mind as much when he dresses me, but today he also tried put on me something weird - I told him I didn't like it, but he continued, what could I do? he is much stronger than me. mommy and grandma seemed happy at least.
Anyway with time this is getting worse, yesterday they put ribbons in my hair -where will it end? I hope they will eventually grow out of it. (daddy took pictures, when I grow up I'll probably delete them)...
Bye for now...

Tu Bishvat

A few days ago I woke up in the morning, it was a beautifull day outside, and I called mommy and daddy to come and see, I do this every morning - I'm in charge of waking everybody up - because I don't want them to be late to work.

When daddy came he told me it was Tu Bishvat and I was very happy because mommy and daddy have been teaching me all the songs for the hag. So me and daddy sang a little, and then he took me outside to help grandpa plant some trees, because that is what you do on Tu Bishvat...

I had a great time...