Sunday, July 16, 2006

My First night of full sleep

Hi You,

The weekend started badly, I lost my pacifier and was miserable without it, Grandma provided the solution - a replacement that she had by her - this made everything look a little better, considering how much I used it over the weekend it was a lifesaver. Thank you Grandma!

We spent Shabos in Jerusalem by my Boby, Mommy and daddy went to shul while I stayed home with Bobby and Shoham, Shabos (friday) night I slept the whole night for the first time, my parents put me to sleep at about 10 PM and I woke up only at 5 AM, that's the longest I ever slept - and my parents as well! On Shabos morning w all went (as usual) to the Italian shul and had a good time at the kidush.

Shabat at Bobby's was very good, both she and my aunt Shoham were very nice to me, and we all had a great time.

Daddy didn't take pictures obviously but we do have some new ones that you can see here...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm almost sleeping now...

But let me tell you it was a nice day, I spent the whole day doing laundry with my mom, it was fun.

In the morning we went to buy a house, yes, we are building a new house behind Grandma and grandpa's house. Could you believe it? I will have my own room - all for myself. Daddy already promised to build me a dresser. Then we went to grandma's house to do some laundry - Grandma was home and really spoiled me...

Anyway, this time I'm showing you many more pictures, some with my grandparents and great-grandparents whom I really love, and the usual me not doing much...